Thursday, 10 October 2013

The Samaj Tasting Party to hold Wednesday October 23rd!

  Myself and my management team as thought this up as an avenue to give our selected esteem customers an avenue to have a taste of our choiced and selected list of opening products for sales.
At the party we would host our guests to a lunch break of Tasty Cakes and Chilled Wines. This is to give every selected guest a top class reception before we launch public fully.
Guests at the party would have the chance to be the 1st set of customers to buy into the new set of cakes and get the ' Limited Editions ' rightly sold to them 1st.

As part of the ' Tasting Party ' trips guests would also get to purchase slices of their choiced cakes before they leave, make orders for their own cakes at discounts and get exclusive deals from the Samaj Team.
NB - Cakes Slices would be sold at 500 naira a piece.

The Samaj Cakes Price Listings
1 Regular 3000
2 Medium 4000
3 Large 5000
4 Red Affair 3500
5 Plain with Grapes 3000
6 Pink Affair with Strawberry 5000 (LE)
7 Rainbow Delight 6000 (LE)

* LE - Limited Edition


Venue - Undisclosed
Date - Wednesday 23rd October
Time - 12pm to 1pm
For Enquires and Invitations Call 07084954605 or add 2666e55d

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