Saturday, 20 June 2015

Charley Boy - an exclusive on the veteran

Question: What is your true/real Age?
Answer: Truth is, I don’t really know my age; how people came about 64 is still a wonder to me. I’m not particular about how old or young the number is, what I care about is the age of my mind and then the age of my body.
From my look, my energy and all, I feel 35 or slightly younger, then the age of my mind, going by my experiences, my responsibilities, my wisdom and all, I should be about 87.
Question: Lessons Learnt So Far
Answer: To always be true to myself, to be open, and learn to be my own best friend because loyalty and commitment are hard to come by. Experience has taught me to be strong. I’ve mastered the art of contentment and clean living, everything must be in moderation. I’ve learnt to avoid stress and baggages.Question: Principle(s) Gathered Along The Way
Answer: Live and let live. You can’t be beefing, judging or labeling other people because you don’t know or understand how they’re wired.
Question: Lifestyle Changes
Answer: I’m less adventurous than I used to be, may be because I’ve been there done that. I’m a bit simmered down now, nothing to prove anymore, my focus now is to keep nurturing the peace and the calm that I feel within.
My fashion has always depended on my mood, it’s still the same. I dress the way I feel
Question: Very Happy Moments
Answer: When my usefulness is engaged, when I see the influence I bring in people’s lives, when I’m able to add value and make measurable contribution to individuals and society. When people who come in contact with me tell me am not what they thought or expected I would be. A lot of these would form my very happy moments.
Question: What you hate most
Answer: I hate to say goodbye. I find it hard to do, that’s why you may not find me seeing cherished people to the airport unless we are traveling together. Same for my relationships, I love forever, I hate to say goodbye.
Question: What does Family mean to you?
Answer: I have always said it; my family is my rock, my children are my joy and pride. Family is what I’ve known all my life. Unlike some parents who can’t truly love more than a child per time, I love all all my children in different ways and I see a bit of me in all of them, up to my siblings, grandchildren and all. Family is really what I have been blessed with, and my happiest moments have been family times.
Question: Regrets over the years
Answer: As an adventurous person, I goofed many times but if I was to live it all over again  I wouldn’t change a thing. By this I mean I don’t have regrets, it doesn’t exist in my dictionary. I live life on the edge and to change it would mean doing things in traditional conventional ways. To do that, for me, is to give up the ghost. If it’s no daunting and scary, it certainly is not for me.
I want to think that I scare myself too, sometimes. Ha ha.
Question: What to expect from now
Answer: Expect to see more exciting things as I reinvent myself, my brand and as I go a notch higher in shocking conventional and unintelligent minds. More creative inspiration. Watch out from here and now!

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Actor, Jatto Love Osemenkhian to take lead role in New Nollywood Romance Movie

Ladies man, Jatto Love Osemenkhian is set to be on a big budget romance movie titled, ‘Love Truly’ whose story line is of a young man that was caught up in between two women an older one with money and a young one with both money and power.
The movie is one that will keep everyone in suspense as to what will happen next and the severe circumstances of choices we make in life.
Its one every home should look out for.

Nollywood’s ABIAMIRI IFEANYI JUDE takes on new series

With the successes of series in today’s film industry several producers and directors have decided to gradually switch attention to that sector and grow it organically. Its becoming more lucrative and fame giving than regular movies.
Abiamari Ifeanyi Jude is a fine well built nollywood actor which since inception into the trade as become a major toast of industry demands. He as been selected to take the role of a Don in a new series of which filming will start in a couple of weeks.

According to him he doesn’t want to give out too much info yet as it will be a production worth viewing and staying glued to when it’s released.
A few known actors and actress are also expected to be a part of the movie. Watch out!

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Nollywood’s OGBEIDE FAMOUS IDEMUDIA takes on Hollywood

It’s been a major year for the Nollywood Director who as been working rigorously on several projects he as structured around him. He recently released a few works into the market and successfully pushed them to major sales.
But here comes the big one he is said to have team up with a few Hollywood actors, directors and producers to shoot a block buster cultural heritage movie. Pushing out the beauty of the african culture and appreciation of her heritage, values and norms.
Shooting is expected to soon and Hollywood crew on board is excited about the project.

Nollywood Director, OSUNKWO ISDORE CHINONYE Plans Big for the Industry

Ace Producer cum Actor, Osunkwo Isdore Chinoye has been a major player for a long time and has accredited lots of jobs in his profile, though the industry as major revolving, he has also revolved with the trend and also has plotted ways to take his works to another level.
Starting out there where no Red Cameras, cranes or railings but good productions were made which people loved and appreciated. Today the story has changed and the good thing is that a better sight for Nollywood is ahead.
Osunkow Isdore is relentless and determined to give Nollywood a better face value and improve the qualities of production, scripting, message and all that makes a movie world standard. He has lined up productions and as teamed up with the very best in the industry to produce reputable works and quality creations.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Fashion Designer's Association of Nigeria presents Runway Fadan 2015

The Fashion Designers Association of Nigeria, FADAN is set to host her 1st Runway Fadan 2015 Edition which as a fashion show and exhibition lined up for the structure of the day’s event.
It’s targeted towards upcoming and established fashion designers in Nigeria and will serve as a major avenue for a large public and community of fashion enthusiasts to get to appreciate them.
This Event will hold at the Federal Palace Hotel, VI on Saturday 13th June 2015 and show starts 12noon. Exhibition Stand is 25k and the Fashion Show ‎for 50k. It promises to be an event of class and glamour.‎
08034715160 Nneka
08022862285 Tope
And follow the trend on twitter via hash tag #runwayfadan2015